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Why Reduce The Loading Time Of Pages On Your Site?

Writer: KamranKamran

Website Page Loading Time

Optimizing its natural referencing, improving the user experience and increasing its turnover: three reasons that will motivate you to reduce the loading time of your site pages!

At the risk of not surprising you, it is essential for any business to reduce the loading time of pages on its site. If we often find the tips to achieve this goal, the reasons behind this craze for loading times are quite obscure. Here are 3 elements intimately linked to the loading time of your pages.

Improving the loading times of your site means improving your SEO ranking ( indexing ). Behind this, a simple logic. It's Google who wants these loading times to be as short as possible.

Understand well: Google is responsible for recording on its servers all the elements that are on the internet. A long and expensive operation, especially if your site does not load quickly. The robots that analyze data from the web will therefore take longer to index your site if it is not optimized. Thus, Google values ​​the companies that are best optimized for the time they save, and penalizes companies that have not worked on this aspect of their site.

This is why you will be able to observe a progression of your SEO ranking after having optimized your loading times. This will give you better visibility on the search engine. This will attract new prospects.

Improving the User Experience

The longer your page takes to load, the more you risk frustrating visitors. This frustration is often resolved in the following way ... the visitor's return to the browser! In other words, having long load times boosts the bounce rate on your site. This is what you want to avoid at all costs.

It is also admitted that 40% of Internet users leave a page that takes more than 3 seconds to load!

However, it's not just your site's home page that needs to be optimized. We are talking about all of your pages here. Indeed, whatever the page causing the waiting times for loading, the repercussions on your visitors are negative and risk precipitating their departure.

You will understand, a well-designed site will not only allow you to promote traffic on your site, but also to multiply the number of pages visited.

The Increase in Turnover

Thanks to the improvement of the user experience, the ratios linked to the frequentation of your site will only get better. However, you also have to look at things in the longer term. Indeed, it is thanks to the improvement of these factors that you will be able to maximize your chances of closing sales.

1. Less bounce rate (traffic creation on your site / development of the notoriety of your company)

2. A longer visit time (memorization of your brand and the products and services it offers by the visitor)

3. More pages viewed (more opportunities to present the visitor the product they need, and therefore to have them proceed to the act of purchase)

4. Multiplication of sales

Recall the importance for certain business sectors of impulse buying, which can only take place if the visitor can quickly and easily access the product they want and then pay for their basket, before the impulse takes end.

In addition, there is no doubt that a visitor who considers that your pages are too long to load will change supplier and will spend with your competitors if their sites are faster than yours.

To conclude, remember that optimizing the loading time of your site pages is now essential for any business, and in particular for e-commerce. It is as well a request emitted by Google which will value or not your SEO ranking, that to satisfy the visit of the Net surfers. Satisfied visitors are better able to engage with your brand and take action. This is an opportunity to kill two birds with one stone, and to increase the performance of your business at any level!

Kamran of Digital Age



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