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7 Advance SEO Techniques 2019

Advance SEO Techniques 2019

There are articles on the optimization of meta-tags abound on the net, but where are the articles for webmasters - more advanced in the field of SEO? Optimize your meta-tags yes it's important, but much less than creating quality content and developing SEO techniques that will allow you to have a real advantage over your competitors, because they are innovative and little used. It is for this reason that in this article, I propose to you to discover 7 techniques of advanced referencing which will allow you to gain some place in the results of the search engines.

To overcome your competitors, you will have to learn some less conventional methods that I put at your disposal, to reference your website. What are his methods that I am talking about? See for yourself below.

Summary of the article

1 Technique # 1: Gain of links from "small competitors"

2 Technique # 2: Gifography

3 Technique # 3: The "Deep Articles"

4 Technique # 4: The Theme of a Site is the New Page Rank

5 Technique # 5: More Authors on Google+ equals more Visits

6 Technique # 6: Gain of Links via Wikipedia

7 Technique # 7: A Video to increase the viewing time of pages by Visitors

8 Conclusion

Technique # 1: Gain of links from "small competitors"

One of the SEO techniques that can win links (and that you should already know) is the use of Ahref to see who has created links to your competitor's site and try to "steal" Its better links. You must know that this technique is inefficient because your competitors will surely have planned and will have protected themselves.

But have you ever tried to claim a link for your site to websites that are in the 10th page of google for the keyword on which you want to rank? Think about it.

What you will notice is that sites on page 10 or more of google will be more open to offering you links . In addition, its sites typically have a clean link profile and are typically old domains that have not been updated for some time.

By offering them a link to you, you will be more likely to get a positive response. You will also be more likely to get a yes if you offer sites at Page Rank less than 4 because there is more chance that it is an individual rather than a company that will seek to have a higher Page Rank.

Technique # 2: Gifography

Infographics are no longer a novelty. They still work in terms of traffic, but not as much as before. A few years ago, it was enough to publish an infographic (as ugly as it is) to have hundreds of reactions on social networks.

Nowadays, an infographic must have a worked visual identity and innovative and unique content so that there is the slightest reaction on the part of social networks. The reason: computer graphics are now so widespread that they become commonplace and sometimes even considered useless.

If you want to innovate and bring many visitors to your site, we will have to go through a small innovation: gifography . As its name indicates it is the same principle as an infographic except that the content is animated in the form of GIF. Here are a few, note that some sites with few visitors have gone to 200,000 visits per month just by adding a gifography to one of their pages.

This is the case of the computer graphics below entitled "How a Car Engine Works" which attracted 350,000 visitors to the site in less than 30 days.

Technique # 3: The "Deep Articles"

Google has recently released a new update where it is "deep articles" issues : it would be articles that would validate certain google quality standards by their content (long) and the use of certain attributes. They must be articles where the visitor is most likely to find an answer to his questions. Google generally puts them forward in its results. This page is a "deep page" (or in-depth in English).

A lambda page formatted in deep page attracts an average of 13% additional traffic . It is therefore a significant asset for your articles.

What does it take for google to categorize your pages as "deep pages"? Created good quality single content of at least 2000 words. Write about broad / recurring topics in your field / niche.

Make sure your page follows the schema rules or use a suitable WordPress extension. After these 3 short steps, it will take you about a month to see changes in your traffic from Google. If this is not the case, it is that your content is not considered significant enough by Google . For example, a page containing 1500 words is unlikely to be taken into account by google as a deep page. By adding 500 words to this same page to reach the 2000 words you will have a much higher chance that your page will bring you more traffic through the deep pages section of google.

Technique # 4: The Theme of a Site is the new Page Rank

In an interview, a former google employee who worked on the Matt Cutts team, indicated that the theme of a site was the new Page Rank with respect to links pointing to a site.

Google is becoming stronger at catching both Gray Hat and Black Hat SEOs who are creating unnatural links to their sites. And this since the release of new algorithms or updates, such as Penguin specializes in the detection of links that come from a site with a theme different from that of the site.

Many webmasters have thought that they could escape the dictatorship imposed by Google through the Guest-Blogging or by buying site links with the same theme as theirs. The problem is that when Google looks at a link, it puts it back in the context of the article AND the site. As a result, a link from an article on referencing techniques on a SEO blog will be better seen by Google than a link from the same article on SEO techniques placed on a kitchen site.

So if you want to gain position in the search engine results, do not think of Page Rank or the amount of links that point to your site but the quality of the links in question. By providing links of quality and the same theme as your site, you have more chances to climb the rankings and keep them in the future.

Technique # 5: More writers on Google+ equals more visits

When Google authorship was new, it was up to 150% more visitors for a page. Now that everyone in his image next to its description in the results of Google, traffic increases are less significant but remain a significant advantage. Currently, google shows only one image per person, if you have several authors working on your site, it is advantageous to set it up to achieve the same result as the site Geekwire for this query.

Geekwire Referencing Technique : This will not only increase your click rate but will also encourage sharing and tracking by visitors registered on social networks including google plus, which will boost your website in the SERPS.

Technique # 6: Gain of Links via Wikipedia

The most difficult part when trying to create backlinks from dead links is to find pages to which many links point. One of the SEO techniques I want to introduce is to go through wikipedia to find these pages. Because if a wikipedia link points to a page, there is a good chance that many other sites also have links to this page.

So how do you find dead links on Wikipedia ? You just have to copy and paste the following text into Google by modifying the "insert keyword" part by your keyword.

site: insert keyword "dead link".

You will then have a list of wikipedia pages that have the same theme as your site and that have at least one dead link. which you can benefit for your SEO. On each of the Wikipedia articles, you can search for the words "dead-link" on the page to find the dead link of the article.

When Wikipedia says a link is dead, it means that Wikipedia is trying to replace that link at all costs. You can therefore check if the dead link pointed to a site of the same theme as yours.

You can see the theme of a page that is no longer online using the tool provided by . If the theme of the page is the same as your site then use Ahref to see the sites that point to the old page. It takes a minimum of 100 for the rest of the proposed SEO technique to be effective.

If there are at least 100 links pointing to the page, you can undertake to send an email to all the webmasters from which the links come to ask them to replace the old link with yours. It will work on average for 5 to 10 percent of cases only. If you choose a dead page that has only 10 URLs pointing to it, you will lose your time, benefit pages that have a maximum of backlinks.

Once you have created the page of your site where you want to point the wikipedia link, you can click EDIT on Wikipedia to change the URL of the dead link and point it to your website. This is when it seems logical to send an email to the webmasters affected by this change by their URL pointing to the old page. You can use the following template for your messages.


I noticed that you had a dead link on the page "URL of the page where is the dead link" of your site. If it interests you, I know a site that talks about the same subject: URL OF YOUR PAGE and which has a quality content (Wikipedia has a link to the page).



No need to drag on, a simple and concise message will increase your chances of getting a positive response. Thanks to this method, you can not only get links from Wikipedia , but you can also win many backlinks of sites of the same theme as yours in a short time.

Technique # 7: A video to increase the Viewing time of Pages by Visitors?

Posting a video article would allow visitors who would not like to read the article to learn about the subject of the article "without making any effort". The concept is interesting both to summarize the article but also to bring additional elements from other professionals in the field. You can enrich the content of your article and captivate the visitor for a maximum of time.

A video would also be an easy way to increase the conversion rate of a page. The average of the additional conversions would be 7 percent on average, which is not negligible. A very good video will increase the conversion rate by 40 percent on average.

A good video is a video whose scenario is optimized in the following way. Start the video by presenting your business and what it produces. Explain the need your company meets. Present your product, and explain how it is better than its competitors

Use ways to trust the viewer such as testimonials about the quality of your products.


The world of SEO has changed impressively in recent years. Not so long ago, we could still perform in search engine results by cleaning up our code and creating some backlinks. Now, you have to find advanced SEO techniques that your competitors do not know in order to have an advantage (without doing this penalize by google that is not won in advance).

By being a little creative and following the rules imposed by Google, you can climb into the engine results in the long run.

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